5 Ways The NCAA Is Similar To Pro Wrestling

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They Both Use Twitter As Selling Points

Mandatory Credit: Kyle Terada-USA TODAY Sports

This comparison isn’t as cool as Marty Jannetty winning the IC Title and scoring some revenge, but whatevs.

The NCAA and the WWE both use social media to make sure they get their points across. The governing of body of college sports is (thankfully) a little more subtle than the WWE telling their viewers how do download and use their app 50 times a show, but they still make sure to send their foot soliders on Twitter to debunk all us evil media members who say education is not enough compensation. In fact, the NCAA is also pretty passive aggressive on the mean streets of Twitter. They won’t directly call out some writer or person, but they will have no problem retweeting folks who back their position.

The WWE’s primary goal is to trend. Like, trend on Twitter every second of the day. And you know what? They do a pretty darn good job of getting their product out there. Still, because it is fake and all, it is still hard to see ‘HHH‘ trending online for whatever reason. I mean, I get it — he is an important person and character for their company, but come on. Do we really need him opening every show and flipping between a good guy and an evil-doer?

I guess what I am trying to say is, these two inanimate objects use social media to the point of us wanting to hurl our heads in the general direction of an upside down lawnmower. Not that there is anything wrong with that.