St. John’s Red Storm Thursday Morning Linkage

It can be said that folks like to rank things. It can also be said that folks who read other folks’ work who rank things only do so to complain about such rankings. Now, why am I talking so much about other folks? Well, because in today’s St. John’s Red Storm Thursday Morning Linkage we will be linking to a few stories that involve people ranking stuff.

Personally, the appeal of ranking things is understandable, although, I try to shy away from it as much as humanly possible. Considering teams don’t even have their rotations set, I can’t fathom knowing how many wins they will have or if their head coach will get fired at the end of the season. Well, except the DePaul Blue Demons. They will win about 12 games and yes (or, at least he should) Oliver Purnell will get the boot.

Okay, enough about that. Here are your Thursday Morning Linkage, you know, links.

The Bleacher Report (which we are linking heavily today) has an article about upperclassmen ready to breakout. St. John’s elder statesmen, Orlando Sanchez, is in it. Considering that Sanchez is approximately 58-years-old at this point I can understand how someone can assume he will finally breakout.

Again, B/R has another slideshow article. This time it is ranking the best players in the Big East Conference. There are a slew of Johnnies on the list. I don’t agree with nearly any of the placings of the players on the list, however, the author does talk about how his rankings were made — which justifies his position in the article. Regardless, a nice, fun read.

I don’t have any words, but this. Should make for some interesting debate. 

I might be a homer, although, I do think Madison Square Garden is usually thought of in high regard. Not for this guy, however, as he ranks arenas/stadiums in the Big East — and guess what? He does not have MSG ranked very high. Truth be told, though, the Garden is in need for some upgrades and whatnot, but some of the places ahead of it just shouldn’t be. But hey, to each their own!

So, that was a lot of B/R related stuff. I apologize for not mixing it up, but nothing else has really come out about St. John’s since our last Morning Linkage.


Joseph is the editor of Storm The Paint. Him, Twitter @JosephNardone