Storm The Paint is Looking for Writers

Do you have the ability to scribble words that barely form sentences? Do you love college basketball as if its your unborn child? Do you like to spew nonsense from a keyboard to the point of nausea? Well, if you answered yes to any of those questions do I have a proposition for you!

Storm The Paint is currently looking to add some new contributors to the site. Here is the gory, albeit not gory at all, details:

STP is FanSided’s St. John’s Red Storm site. We cover St. John’s basketball because, you know, we are FanSided’s St. John’s Red Storm website.

The position is unpaid, but if you meet all requirements all your work will show up on the St. John’s team page on Sports Illustrated. It is a good way to build your writing portfolio and work on your craft at the same time.


Writing experience is not mandated, but you do have to have the ability to make fairly readable articles.

Absolutely no “shock and awe” writers wanted. STP has a small, but incredibly loyal fanbase. We treat our readership with the respect they deserve. It is fine if you have an opinion that is different or against the grain, but we won’t tolerate eye-popping headline articles for the sake of getting just hits. If you have a narrative you want to push, well, you better have some factual evidence to back it up.

Must have the ability to post 2-3 times per week (more if asked). Mostly game previews and recaps, but certainly a chance to do op-eds as well as (my favorite) poorly worded satire pieces.

Hey, man. How do I apply?

First step of the process is sending me a brief email to All I want is a brief bio from you (doesn’t have to be a novel), with one original St. John’s Red Storm related sample article attached or copy and pasted. If things go well with that we will take it from there.

In Closing:

STP is my baby. I also love my readers. As eluded to, our readership is not in the bazillions, but our readers have been great to us because we treat them with respect. We (meaning only me at the moment) don’t try to treat them like fools. 99 percent of our readership is as smart — if not more — than I on the subject of St. John’s. Our mutual admiration for the game of basketball and our love to follow St. John’s is what allows us to coexist. I will not tolerate a writer who doesn’t actually want to watch the games or does not have an original opinion of their own. The folks who come to STP come here because we aren’t some generic, run-of-the-mill website. For better or worse — probably worse — we are a niche website for a fanbase who is as loyal to any program in the entire country.

I am not saying you have to write like me (bad satire, some sappy attempts at trying to be insightful, etc), but you have to have the same passion for college basketball and St. John’s or it will show and the reader will hate you for it. Those are all things the reader will know and I won’t allow them to be treated as if they aren’t as smart as Albert Einstein — because they are….in a St. John’s basketball type of way.

Still interested? Well, what are you waiting for?! Apply now!