St. John’s Dribble For the Cure Raises More Than $30k

The fourth-annual Dribble for the Cure was apparently a smashing success. An event held by the St. John’s Red Storm men’s and women’s basketball programs is geared toward raising money to help the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. And, well, raising some money is what they did — to the tune of over $30,000.

Steve Lavin, who has had his own personal brush with the asshole that is cancer, spoke on the success of the event:

(H/T RedStormSports)

"“Dribble For The Cure brings together both the men’s and women’s basketball teams as well as the St. John’s community for the singular purpose of supporting PCRF,” commented head men’s coach Steve Lavin. “As we celebrate the start of the basketball season, we take this time to remind each other how important it is to continue the fight against cancer. The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation is the best when it comes to helping young people who are fighting for their lives because of cancer. They are committed to this cause and relentless in their efforts to find a cure for cancer so that future generations will not have to deal with this dreaded disease.”"

Basically, screw cancer.

This — as well as other reputable cancer research causes — are worth donating to if you can spare the five bucks you would normally spend on a few Whopper Jrs or whatever the heck that stuff is that comes out of the Arby’s window.

For more information on this particular Children’s Research Center you can just click this.