Well, so, yeah. The St. John’s Red Storm are apparently New York’s team. According to who you ask? A bus, of course. Seriously, don’t be so silly and naive to argue with the merits that a bus provides the greater Northeastern parts of these United States.
We Are New York's Team. We Are... St. John's! #SJUBB @barclayscenter #NewYorksTeam #TeamUA #IWILL @UnderArmour pic.twitter.com/QVZIF65NZj
— St. John's Red Storm (@StJohnsRedStorm) October 24, 2014
I trust that particular bus as much as I have trusted any public transportation that has sported some sort of advertisement ever. I mean, we all know that is exactly how you pick your lawyer for that case you have upcoming involving a goat, lobster and your attempts to create a unicorn.
Damn you to hell, laws that consider me insane.
Okay, back to the matter at hand. It is just a bus. A bus, mind you, that is plastered with St. John’s related propaganda because the Red Storm paid for it to be that way. I don’t really think it is that big of a deal or something that programs like Syracuse should get their panties in a bunch over.
Still, it is on a bus so it has to be true according to the law of relative bologna.