St. John’s Red Storm Wednesday Morning Linkage


As each day passes and more Fall leaves find themselves on the ground it is getting harder and harder to find relevant St. John’s Red Storm stories from around the interweb. It is okay, however, because games will be starting sooner than we think (only a month away). Even with all of that optimism, though, it can be tough to be a Red Storm fan during this “dead” time of the season.

We did our best to find some stories (without regurgitating old ones), although, this linkage article won’t have as many as we have had in the past. Again — as briefly mentioned yesterday — we are thinking about incorporating links to all Big East Conference stories, not just the St. John’s Red Storm. Let us know if that would be something you would be interested in. Okay? Thanks.

Tickers for the St. John’s Red Storm vs the Wisconsin Badgers is on sale. The game is at the Sanford Pentagon on November 8. If you are interested in attending or whatnot, visit Red Storm Sports for more details.

Steve Lavin seems to be excited about the new Big East. Don’t believe me? First, shame on you. Second, well, read what Rumble The Garden has up about Lavin thinking all programs in the conference are all at the same level. It’s a good look as to why St. John’s fans should be excited going forward and as to why the new version of the conference should be alright.

From us (yes, sadly we are linking our own stuff here) yesterday, we took a look at St. John’s latest attempt on the recruiting trail. It’s early on in the process, but it’s place to start for the 2015 recruiting class.

Super Random Bonus Link: You’re welcome, you’re welcome again and finally you are the most welcomed possible.


Joseph is the editor of Storm The Paint. Him, Twitter @JosephNardone